Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Identifying Claims

                                                                    Quick Write
What in your mind is the best Invention ever created? I don't know if you can say that music was invented but if you could say so then i believe that music was the best invention known to mankind.  I say this because music is one of the best ways for one to help identify his or hers own feelings, melodic tones and lyrics can be used to better express ourselves.

                                                         Summary of Today's Lesson
Reading "The Truth About Ability And Accomplishment", Chapter Three of The Mindsets, Doctor Carol S. Dweck  talks about achievements, why some people achieve more and others less, and how the growth mindset ties into it.  One of the interesting claims that was made was that kids with fixed mindsets, when entering Junior High showed a decline in school opposed to kids with growth mindsets who achieved more. She compared kids with growth mindsets to Thomas Jefferson, Darwin, Mozart, and George Dantzig, a graduate student from Berkeley.  All who's curiosity drove them to work hard and achieve even more.

1 comment:

  1. Great analysis. How does this relate to your argument essay?
