Sunday, March 2, 2014

Why don't people trust their own judgement?

Someone asked "Why don't people trust their own judgments?" Well my answer to that is, why should we? nothing is guaranteed. Nobody can be right 100% of the time. I believe that our own experiences shape our judgements. What we face or go through and how we handle those things are a part of how we perceive things. A person who faces harder times feels the world is always against him/ her, their mindset will most likely change from growth to fixed. I mean if you feel nothing good ever happens in or comes out of your life than why would you trust what you think when you cant even believe in a better situation for yourself, Right?...
After reading the article, my opinion did not change much but only got stronger. I still believe we can change how we are even though there are certain aspects that we cannot change but if we try and motivate ourselves to do better than we can still succeed. Maybe we will not reach our specific goals but we might even accomplish something more and gain recognition from people we never even expected.


  1. Your reflection made me wonder: Are we born with either a fixed or growth mindset or do we develop it as a result of our experiences? I ask because you mentioned that someone with a bad experience will change from growth to fixed.
    I liked what you said in the second paragraph about accomplishing something unexpectedly. (I like to think of the growth mindset as the flexible mindset.)
    Watch your punctuation. You spelled judgment wrong in the title. That's my bad because I spelled it wrong when I wrote the question.

  2. Hi Stephanie,
    I know you were not feeling well the last time I saw you but it seems so long ago. Is everything okay? Please let me know how you are doing and if there is anything I can do to support you.
